Menu Help About - Brings up this window Enter PR - Opens a window that lets you enter a private room. The really cool one that stays open. Rec/Lib - Opens a dialog which allows you to request a record from the America Online host by specifying the Library number and Record number. Token - Send a packet of data to the AOL Host. (No, not the OnlineHost) Public Room - Enter a Member room, of the category Town Square. Capture Form - Turns the America Online client's built in form capture mechanism on. After turning this option on the next form that the client displays will be captured. A "Save Dialog" will then appear allowing you to save the form for later use. Change SN - Select which Screen Name is active. Sign On SN - Choose a Screen Name to sign on as. Text Submenu - Various options for text. © 1997, Trey. Mail Submenu - Options to be used when MMing (usually). Turning on Key Commands, and then holding down the key to send mail will repeatedly send the open piece of mail (mailbombing) , IF Close Mail After Sending is turned OFF in your preferences. IMs Submenu - Allows you to turn your IMs on or off. Pressing Command-Space turns them on. Rooms Submenu - Automatically takes you to the room you select. Access Submenu - Real Links NOT form captures to the the area's listed above the divider. All below are form captures. =( Misc Submenu - Closes the front window, lets you open a new/old board, get your current bill summary, request a detailed bill summary, term an account, and goto keyword billing. Utilities Menu - Read below. Capture Form - Turns the America Online client's built in form capture mechanism on. After turning this option on the next form that the client displays will be captured. A "Save Dialog" will then appear allowing you to save the form for later use. Display Form - Opens a dialog allowing you to open any local form by specifying it's Resource Type and ID number. Uninstall Tools - Opens a window listing the currently installed tools. By hilighting a tool on the list and clicking "Uninstall" you can uninstall that tool. (Note: The list of tools will not update until you close the tools list window and choose "Uninstall Tool" again.) Refresh SN List - Basically, when you do this, the account you are signed on as "takes over" your database, and you can use the download manager when you are signed on as guest, and also see what screen names your account has. (Portions of this document written by Mystery Vortex)